Saturday, August 8 is International Cat Day. Started in 2002, International Cat Day is a day to raise awareness of our feline friends. Organizations all over the world will host events to teach people how to help and protects cats. The 2020 International Cat Day is focusing on what makes a cat happy. The aim this year is to promote happiness through understanding.
Want to get involved? You can take the #Happy Cat Challenge by taking a photo of your cat at their most contented and by taking a photo of you relaxing just like them! Tag your photos with #HappyCat and with #InternationalCatDay. You can also head to the International Cat Day website and take the Happy Cat Pledge.
Adopting a stray cat from a shelter or volunteering at a shelter would be a great way to celebrate International Cat Day! Have a cat…or two…or a dozen?? Bake them some yummy tuna cookies. You can see a recipe here. Spend some quality play time with your feline friend. Buy them a new toy or get out a box…cats love boxes! You can also stage a social media cat takeover! Click here to see how! Make a cat happy today!